I've been watching a few movies over the last couple of months concerning the fall of Rome. My those Roman's were a passionate and brutal bunch! I have been inspired to make a raw vegan Caesar salad (the orgies and disemboweling really made me hungry).
At the place I work we have a fantastic pink peppercorn based Caesar dressing and I wanted to replicate that minus the eggs, anchovies and garlic. Sounds lame doesn't it? Well... it's not!
Pink Peppercorn Caesar
The Dressing:
1 cup cashews
1 tbsp dulse, packed (to replicate anchovy flavour)
1/6 onion
1/8 cup olive oil
juice from 2 lemons, more than ¼ cup, less than ½ cup (ghetto measurements)
3 teaspoons hemp seeds (to add creaminess and an egg-ish taste)
6 wild pepper peppercorns
½ cup water
1 teaspoon pink peppercorns
1 teaspoon mild brown rice miso
Blend all in vitamix until smooth and creamy. I'm not going to lie, I did add about 1/6th of a clove of garlic. The Roman's are a bad influence on me, but with such a small amount of garlic I didn't really have a reaction.

The Salad:
romaine hearts, torn into bite sizes pieces
preserved lemon slices (if you preserve your own lemons - see earlier post somewhere on this blog - take about 1/3 of a preserved lemon, gut it and rinse the rind under water. Thinly slice the rind.
fresh pepper
pea shoots for garnish (optional)
pumpkin seed parmesan (if you have any)
Toss the romaine in a generous amount of dressing and place in bowl or on plate. Top with remaining ingredients. Indulge...
Would the Roman's be proud?

I have made more sprouted lentil gnocchi and revised the recipe. I like this one better:
1.5 cups sprouted and dried lentils
6 teaspoons chia seeds
6 whole little wild peppercorns
½ teaspoon sea salt or more
-blend above in dry vita mix container to turn into flour
then transfer to mixing bowl
add approx 1 cup but start with half cup (add as needed) sun dried tomato soaking water (water, handful of sun dried toms, soak for an hour or more. Do something else with the tomatoes, you just want the flavoured water here)
¼ cup olive oil + a few tbsp maybe (not exact measurement, obviously)
fresh minced basil
Mix all together. This time, you want the dough to be wetter but still pretty easy to roll. It will be stickier but can be in the dehydrator for longer to warm up and not get dry. The sticky nature also means it won't hold those fun gnocchi fork tine marks but if you must have the marks, you can add them after they have been in the dehydrator for about 10 mins. Enjoy!

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